2024-25 Summer Learning Program Staff FAQ
When does this program start for students?
June 3, 2024 - June 26, 2024 dates for the students to attend summer learning
What are the report times for staff?
Elementary Early Start - 8:15 am -1:45 pm
Elementary Late Start - 8:45 am -2:15 pm
Middle - 7:30 am -1:00 pm
High - 7:00 am -12:30 pm
What are the dates that staff will be expected to work during the summer learning program?
It is mandatory that all employees hired must attend the Professional Development and/or Training Sessions on May 30 and May 31 to prepare for the summer learning experience.
All employees must work Mondays through Thursdays, June 3 – June 27th. There will be a total of 17 days worked during the summer learning program which includes the two Professional Development and/or Training Sessions held for your respective job role. June 27th is the last duty day for all summer learning employees.
Transportation and Nutritional Services staff will provide an update on specific hours that employees will be instructed to work.
KCKPS recognizes the Juneteenth holiday which will be celebrated on June 19 and that will be a day that the entire school district, including our central administrative offices, will be closed. Juneteenth is a holiday but is a non-duty day without pay for summer school staff.
What is the salary for employees during the summer learning program?
All certified staff will be paid their hourly rate in accordance with the KC NEA agreement. All classified staff will be paid their hourly rate in accordance with the KCKPS classified salary schedule.
Summer learning employees will be paid for the time they actually work.
Will stipends be offered for summer learning? What will the stipends include?
The 2024 summer learning program is being paid out of a state funded grant. This grant does not provide an option for staff to be paid an additional stipend or incentive.
Will I be able to work during the summer learning program if I resign from the school district on the last day of my contract or last day of my agreement? What guidelines must I complete to be paid and still resign?
Yes you may work if you are resigning at the end of your agreement or contract with KCKPS for your current role that you’ve had during the 23/24 school year. However, if you are retiring from your current KCKPS role, we must follow the KPERS retirement guidelines below.
If your retirement date is June 1, 2024, you are not able to work during summer learning under KPERS rules/guidelines.
Current retirement rules state that certified employees may retire on June 1, July 1, or August 1 in accordance with your employee contract. Classified employees are eligible to retire effective the 1st day of any month. However, under KPERS and IRS rules, retirees cannot work for 60-180 days after their retirement date, depending on their age. Because the last duty day for the 2024 summer learning program is June 27, 2024, anyone who retires with the effective date of July 1, 2024, or August 1, 2024, would be eligible to receive your rate of pay for the job you held during the summer learning program.
What dates will I get paid if I am selected to work during the summer learning program?
Each summer learning employee that works from May 30, 2024 - June 14th, 2024 will receive a payroll check on June 28, 2024. For the days worked June 17, 2024 - June 27th, 2024, the payroll check will be received on July 15, 2024.
Timecards will be completed for all certified employees through the Business/Payroll department. Classified employees will clock in and out using TimeClock Plus (TCP) under the summer jobs section. Summer job positions will be active on TCP closer to the first date of work and more information will be forthcoming.
All supervisors will be required to verify all employee hours worked using a Google sheet for attendance for certified staff and TCP for classified staff. Training for administrators on this process will occur prior to the beginning of summer learning.
If I am hired to work summer learning for the entire 17 days, will I be able to use my personal days, or disability days if I cannot come to work? How about bereavement or jury duty days?
Summer learning pay is additional pay for hours actually worked. Since paid time off is specific to a regular school year, and not additional duties such as summer learning, no paid time off will be available if a day of summer learning is missed with the exception of jury duty and bereavement, listed below.
A principal who is a summer learning Site Administrator can use their paid time off if they must be absent for a day of summer learning as long as that day falls within their regular contract year.
The only paid absences available during the 17 day work schedule would be for bereavement and jury duty days as we follow the KCKPS Board Leave policy.
As a reminder, GARH states: "Bereavement Leave"
Employees are allowed Bereavement Leave of up to three (3) days (or five (5) days if the distance is more than 400 miles, one way) per occurrence without deduction in pay for reasons of death in the Immediate Family.
“Immediate Family” is defined as the employee’s: spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, and uncles. “Immediate Family” also includes the parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, and uncles of the employee's spouse.
Application for Bereavement Leave must be made in writing to the employee’s immediate supervisor and Human Resources. Employees are required to provide documentation supporting an application for Bereavement Leave upon request.
How long will I have to apply for the summer programs?
Some of the positions have various deadline dates depending on specific roles within the department. For example, if a school only needs one employee that decision may be made earlier in the process. Currently, most positions are scheduled to close by May 12, 2024, unless we don’t have enough applicants to fulfill the student enrollment count for various programs. Continue to view the TalentEd website for summer learning job openings.
I want to apply for multiple positions. Do I have to fill out a separate application for each one?
Yes! However, the goal will be for you to apply for positions that align to your current role related to your areas of certifications. Feel free to include a short description of your qualifications for the job or upload a resume if you wish to do so. Administrators will be reviewing licensure, if needed for the positions, or further training/experience.
Will substitute teachers be hired during the summer program?
Yes, there will be an option for the KCKPS teachers, who may not be able to work the required 17-day work schedule, to apply for the position of “Summer Learning Substitute Teacher.” Additionally, current KCKPS building substitute teachers, substitute paras, and substitute secretaries may be contacted if they apply to the substitute summer learning employee job posting. A list of substitute employees will be provided to the Site Administrators and may be contacted for any job assignment of an absent teacher, paraprofessional, or secretary. The process to keep track of absences, substitute job assignments, and additional information will be shared with all Site Administrators closer to the start date of the summer learning program.
ESS contracted substitute teachers will not work during the summer learning program unless we are not able to fill the jobs through KCKPS employees. However, the Human Resource department will inform ESS if their substitute teachers will be utilized for the summer learning program as another resource for absences.
What is the difference between certified and classified staff?
Certified staff consists of staff that hold a certificate in a specialized area proving they have obtained the necessary credentials and knowledge for the position. For further clarification, refer to KCKPS certified staff job titles as included under the NEA’s current agreement.
Classified staff consists of school employees that do not need a certification or licensure to be qualified for the job.
When will summer instructional resources be available?
Curriculum Overviews are available now on the Summer Learning Program webpage. Additional details will be provided in the Summer Learning Program Curriculum Information 23-24 document as they become available so please check back frequently.
Can any certified teacher teach the classes or do you have to be certified in Math or English?
Teachers should teach in the content in which they are certified for the secondary level. However, the summer model for high school will have a focus around credit recovery.
What exact summer learning subjects are being offered and grade levels?
Please access the Curriculum Overviews on the Summer Learning Program webpage.
Is there a maximum number of students in a class?
Each designated school site applied for grant funds. Enrollment will be based on the initial grant request. Other students will be invited as they meet the criteria based on academic assessment outcomes. The enrollment of students will be utilized to determine the number of instructional staff.
Do I have the option to divide my time with another peer during the summer program?
Consistency is critical for student success. The goal is for all staff who sign up to work the summer program, is that they are committed to working the entire 17 days if possible.
How will devices be distributed for students who attend the Summer Learning Program?
Please reference this document for more information on the end-of-year procedures for building technology.
All students attending summer learning will keep their device for the Summer Learning Program.
Students who have iPads DO NOT need to erase iPads.
All students need to return devices by the last day of the Summer Learning Program. iPads will need to be updated and erased.
I have a district required PD to attend during the Summer Learning Program. Will I still be eligible to apply?
Yes, staff will still be eligible to apply.
What curriculum is being utilized for elementary, middle and high school?
Please access the Curriculum Overviews on the Summer Learning Program webpage. Additional details will be provided in the Summer Learning Program Curriculum Information 22-23 document as they become available.
Will ESOL/Migrant have a program specific to ESOL?
Students who are in the ESOL or Migrant Program will be participating in the district summer learning programs. The district will be hiring ESOL personnel for each summer learning site. Students in the Migrant Program will have extended summer opportunities in addition to summer learning provided by the Migrant Advocates.
Will I get to teach the students that were previously enrolled in my classroom?
As buildings merge for the summer program, the goal is for teachers to have the opportunity to support the learning of some of their current students, along with students that are coming from other buildings in those same grade levels. However this is not guaranteed.
Will students be provided a pre and post assessment?
The pre and post assessment data will be discussed during PD.
If my own children do not attend the school district during the school year, can they attend the Summer Learning Program?
This opportunity is not available at this time; however, the district is exploring this option for future summer learning programs.
Will there be KidZone services offered? What sites?
Yes, there will be KidZone before & after school services offered during summer programming. The locations will be Silver City and West Park Elementary schools. Parents drop their student(s) off at one of the two KidZone locations and district transportation will take students to their summer learning location before the start of breakfast and back to the KidZone site after school for parent pickup. (feeder schools listed here)
As a summer learning staff member, if my own student does not attend the school district during the school year, can they attend the KidZone program if there is room?
KidZone services are school-based and are only offered for USD500 before and after school students. Therefore, we would only be able to accept students enrolled in a USD500 Summer Learning Program.
What are the school locations for the summer program?
Summer Learning Program sites can be found on the Summer Learning Program webpage.